With Big Hair

The personal blog site of Chris Woods. Welcome. I’m just sharing little bits of stuff I find interesting. Enjoy!


  • ARM32 and WebAssembly on a Raspberry PI 1

    Ok folks. It’s late in the evening and I set myself the challenge of getting WAMR working on a Raspberry PI1. Rather than just share the tips and tricks, I thought I’d share a bit of my log book, and late night random thoughts as I get things going. Maybe this will be amusing to read? Anyway, it might help me remember in the morning.

  • Man Eats Machine, Machine Eats Man

    “Man eats machine, machine eats man” - It’s a line from the song, “The tower that ate people” by Peter Gabriel, and it’s kinda prophetic.

  • WebAssembly and Signal Handling

    You can think of signal’s like user space interrupts. Essentially the running application is interrupted, and a signal handler function is invoked. This function is passed some data to describe why it is being interrupted. Once the function is invoked it can process a response to this “signal”. You’ve probably seen this on Linux. Geeks for Geeks has a great description of Signals. They are effectively used to communicate some information to the running process, a common use case is sending a signal to notify a process that is about to be terminated, thus allowing it to clean up resources, closing file handles, etc.

  • Mongoose and an Embedded WebServer in WAMR

    It’s not unusual for your printer, or your fridge to have a small web server running. The embedded web server provides important control interfaces of these devices. It’s not just the fridge and the printer, but increasingly a large number of additional devices too, from milling machines on a shop floor, to smart pumps and electrical meters.

  • Getting Started with Embedded WASM - Development Environment (WAMR)

    We all know that WebAssembly is great for the Web, but it’s also incredibly powerful in the embedded space too. You can compile Go, Rust, C++ and other languages for device families that don’t have compiler of build tools which support these languages. That’s in addition to the sandboxed and portable nature of WebAssembly of course.

  • Replicating the RISC OS mouse pointer on Mac OS and Windows

    There is a lot of nostalgia associated with retro computing, getting the chance to relive the halcyon day’s of our youth when we first got the chance to play with a computer can be a real buzz. But nostalgia is rose-tinted. The user experience of an Amiga or RISC OS, some of the first graphical user interfaces is arcane by today’s standards.

  • Conversations That Change Perspectives

    It isn’t often we get the chance to sit and think about the type of person we want to be, not about what is going on every day, but about how we would like to approach it.

  • Digital Anonymity

    Its hard. Really hard. I recently took a work trip that required me to be really mindful of my digital footprint. It’s much harder than it looks.

  • Amstrad 5086 Memories

    My first PC was an Amstrad 5086, I had so much fun on that machine. Even without a computer game to play I used to spend hours configuring and customising it using a bit of software call Counterpoint.

  • Running Windows 3.1 Applications on modern 64bit Machines

    Funny isn’t it how things seem to overlap. My previous musing was on Monkey Island a 16 bit MS-DOS game. It was just after writing that that I was flicking through Reddit when I came across a rather interesting post.

  • Completing Monkey Island 2 After Decades

    Although a huge long term fan of Monkey Island, it's taken me nearly 3 decades to complete Monkey Island 2. It was an amazing trip down memory lane. The game has such an amazing twist at the end, one I didn't know about for so long.
  • The 1st Version of Robot Spelling

    Spelling tests are “no fun”

  • Saving Money on Cellular IoT

    I think it is possible to save money on MQTT based IoT by employing a trick we used to use on Symbian mobile phones. It could save up to $30 per device per year, depending on your IoT plan.
  • Socially Distancing the Podcast


  • Day 4 : It is Alive !!

    The morning

  • Day 3 of Launching a Podcast - Recording and Re-recording with bitmaps

    It is up… kinda…

  • Day 2 of Launching a Podcast - Site Selection

    Whoops, I didn’t hit post yesterday. Sorry.. I was busy selecting a Podcast hosting service. This morning I’ve got some time while my recording studio (the basement) is busy - the washing machine is on!

  • One week to launch a Podcast

    Sharing to Learn

  • The Second Waggle is Out !

    It Snuck Out

  • Waggle My Mouse 2.0

    Creating an update

  • Happy Father's Day

    It was an idea that Dad and I had kicked about as a bit of thought experiment when I was in my late teens / early twenties. But there it was in real life. All set out in the shopping mall and implemented by a large clothing chain 20 years after we’d kicked the idea about. Funny. I had the sudden urge to tell him.

  • In Your Eye Steak

    Nelson’s Eye and the Steak

  • Detecting a Waggle

    I spent a long while thinking and discussing with others how a waggle could be detected. Two I guess opposite ideas were proposed:

  • Continuing to Waggle My Mouse

    Getting the Waggle On

  • Flying to Protest

    Dublin Airport before the  sun rises<figcaption class="wp-caption-text" id="caption-attachment-502">Dublin Airport before the sun rises</figcaption>

    I’m typing this on a London bound flight. I’ve taken countless flights, but I’ve never done this before. I’m a little nervous, and a bit excited.

  • Waggle my MegaMaker

    Wow it is hard work to fit everything in. I’ve been working hard on progressing and investigating the two ideas I proposed last week;

  • Inspiration and Exasperation

    This has been a really busy week. Last week I was on holiday, as you can tell
    from my previous blog posts, I’m a Brit, who firmly believes in the EU, and so
    was pretty distraught at the results of the referendum. During the vacation I
    got involved in a number of Facebook groups who are attempting to help ensure
    that the UK reconsiders leaving the EU. Its a long hard struggle, but I think,
    if we can pull it off it will be the national good.

  • What has the EU ever done for us?

    The EU does a lot of work to help drive Science, technology and innovation across Europe, and I think in the mist of the Brexit debate this can get over looked. My day job involves working with these EU programmes, so I thought I’d share what I’ve been involved in, and have worked on.

  • Brexit - Leaving EU: UK citizens to be tortured and imprisoned without trial


  • How not to deliver a wedding speech

    11 years ago today, I woke with a hangover. As the room came into focus I looked about. Flash backs from the day before came before my mind, and the largest, biggest smile spread across my face. The booming headache was replaced with a serenity and happiness for which I felt immensely blessed.

  • Hello Mince Pie Day

    And tho it came to be that this day shall ever more be known as Mince Pie Day!

  • Giving a little back

    From the initial diagnosis of Matthew’s infantile spasms right through to providing support for his eye rolls post discharge the guys at Temple Street Children’s Hospital have been amazing. The time has come were we can now give a little something back, and perhaps help other children and their families that are suffering from neurological conditions.

  • TextQuick and the Power of Software

    At first I wasn’t too sure what to make of it. An email explaining that a mobile application I’d written had changed someone’s life. But it turned out to be the single best piece of user feedback I’ve ever had and probably the best email I’ve ever received. It all started with an ultimatum from my wife, and a desire to create an app which would “scratch my own itch”….

  • Missing the Spectrum

    [listen to ‘Missing the Spectrum’ on audioBoom](http://audioboom.com/boos/3246570-missing-the-spectrum)

    (function() { var po = document.createElement(“script”); po.type = “text/javascript”; po.async = true; po.src = “https://d15mj6e6qmt1na.cloudfront.net/cdn/embed.js”; var s = document.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); })();

  • Why I'm not at work

    [listen to ‘Why I'm not at work’ on audioBoom](http://audioboom.com/boos/3243640-why-i-m-not-at-work)

    Under Doc’s orders I’m avoiding computers are much as possible… that’s hard

  • World at his feet

    I should have updated this blog sooner. It’s been over a month since Mattie was back at Hospital. In late April he returned for what was his final check-up with the Neurology team at Temple Street Hospital.

  • A Very Different Train Journey; Mattie's Christmas

    12 months ago the whole family enjoyed a Christmas steam train journey. It’s a fantastic trip organised by the Irish Train Preservation Society. Importantly at the end of the trip everyone gets to meet Santa. Last year Ben, our eldest son, had an absolute blast but in the middle of all of the excitement myself and Emma took turns holding Mattie as he shook with spasms. At the time he’d only just started his Sabril, was still bloated from the steroids he’d taken and suffering from conjunctivitis. The future felt very worrying. However, this year’s trip was very different!

  • Mattie returns to his physiotherapist!

    Our last post closed with the wish that Mattie would walk into his next physio appointment under his own steam – well guess what? Our rock star baby did just that!

  • Top 3 tips on Mixing Sabril (Vigabatrin)

    Myself and Emma have seen a number of people mention that their children are rejecting Sabril when it is mixed with water; they’ve ask about mixing Sabril with other drinks, and if this is possible. We thought we would share our experiences and the top 3 tips we learnt.

  • Email.. what?

    Ok. So if you follow me on Twitter, or we are friends on Facebook, your probably wondering what all my posts about email etiquette are all about. - Well let me explain.. it all started with an idea, which popped into existence, as all good ideas do, while suffering from a hangover.

  • Mattie Update OT and Physio Report

    It’s been a long time since we wrote about how Mattie has been getting on. A couple of weeks ago Mattie had Physio, and Occupational Therapy check-ups. Both went really well.

  • Head Colds and Flying Don't Mix

    Don’t do it. Just don’t. It hurts far too much.

  • The Friday Movie Conundrum

    It’s Friday! - And for me, that’s the last day of the working week, the weather is great (for Ireland) and we’ve got a fantastic two day weekend ahead of us. To help celebrate I’ve been playing the Friday Movie Conundrum with some friends. The game is simple. One of us starts with a movie quote, and the other’s have to guess. Clues can only be given out if there is a lack of response. So folks, today’s quote is :

  • Mattie's Check-up at Temple Street (11th February 2014)

    We had a brilliant time over the Christmas break, with two trips back to England one for new year, and another to catch up with friends in early Jan. Watching Matthew as he observed other babies, toddlers and assorted infants of all ages was fun. His excitement at wanting to get involved was really reassuring. Since my last post about Matthew we feel he really has made huge progress. However not all has been smooth sailing. During one of our recent ferry crossings I saw Mattie have a spasm, and in total we’ve seen about 10 individual spasms over the Christmas and New Year period. In fairness Mattie had also picked up some sort of virus over the Christmas period, which I’m sure didn’t help. Seeing the spasms made both Emma and I more keen than ever to hear what the doctors have to say about his progress, in particular if anything in his last EEG was concerning or worrying.

  • The Pre Christmas EEG Results

    The problem with Hypsarrhythmia, the tell tale electrical activity present in an EEG which signifies Infantile Spasms, and can cause brain damage is that it’s transient; it comes and goes. It’s most frequent during tired periods before or after sleep, but it could happen at any time. The spasms we associate with the condition are just the physical side effect of what is going on in Mattie’s brain, they can be subtle and hard to detect. For months now we had been treating Mattie’s condition with the only indication of success being the lack of a spasm. Getting some hard data - a physical measurement via the EEG that the drugs are working is what both Emma and I were waiting for. If clear it would give us confidence that the electrical activity had returned to normal, and we’d not just missed another spasm.

  • Mattie's Spasms Return

    It was about a week after Mattie’s last check-up. I was back home, my travelling temporarily suspended. We were in the middle of bath time, and Ben was still splashing about in the water. Mattie had already been been picked up and dried off. I was sheltering from a storm of splashing about when Emma poked her head into the bathroom, she had Mattie in her arms. “I just saw another one” she said. That is when we knew that the spasms had returned.

  • Mattie's Check Up Results

    Tuesday 5th November

  • Mattie's Checkup is Coming

    Saturday November 2nd

  • Creating the #HalloweenTop10 Playlist. . .

    Halloween Top 10 It’s that time of year; October is here and in a few weeks we’ll be celebrating all things ghoulish with Halloween. But what would be the ultimate sound track for this month? - Is it possible to create a Halloween top 10?

  • Mattie's Progress - Returning Spasms & Physical Development Report

    Last Night

  • Learning about Learning: Myelin, Infantile Spasms

    Infantile Spasms and Why…?

  • Mattie - Is he back to normal?

    Tuesday 2nd October 2013

  • Treatment Plans for Cryogenic Infantile Spasms (West Syndrome)

    Treatment Plans for Infantile Spasms

  • Researching Medical Conditions - Advice from an Expert

    I recently got some advice on how to research medical conditions from a parent who has a wealth of experience in health care systems and researching illnesses.

  • Big-Data and Infantile Spasms

    All the doctors we’ve spoken to about Mattie and his condition have commented on how little information is available. When we ask about treatments we get the same response - “we just don’t know”.

  • Getting Matthew Home Again

    Tuesday 17th September

  • Matthew's Back in Hospital

    Back to Hospital

  • The EEG & Difficult Choices - Matthew and Infantile Spasms

    Tuesday September 10th

  • Home at last - Mattie and Infantile Spasms (Part 5)

    Friday 30th of August – Saturday 31st of August

  • Preliminary MRI Results - Mattie and Infantile Spasms (Part 4)

    Catching up

  • The "Mummy Card", Mattie and Infantile Spasms (Part 3)

    Wednesday 28th August 2013 - 10:25pm, Home.

  • Why are we sharing Mattie’s story?

    Emma (@emmawoods) and I (@mcwoods) have learnt a lot about Infantile Spasms over the last week. We are by no means experts - this is just something we’re working through at the moment. What we did learn is that the prognosis for children with Infantile Spasms increases dramatically with early treatment and hence early diagnosis. Unfortunately diagnosing Infantile Spasms can be very hard. To us parents it can look like something innocuous; “he’s sleepy, his head is too heavy” to “it’s colic”. Then even once the diagnosis has been made we had a steep learning curve – what is it? What are its impacts? It was, and still is confusing. About half way through last week Emma and I both realised that if we were struggling with this, then other parents probably will do to.

  • Infantile Spasms and Matthew (Part 2)

    Tuesday 27th of August 2013 - 8:45pm, Temple Street Children’s Hospital

  • Infantile Spasms and Matthew (Part 1)

    This time last week our little boy, Matthew who is not yet six months old was admitted to hospital and Emma (my wife) and I were trying to come to terms with what had happened.

  • Titus the Fox - Haunted by a Digital Ghost

    I wrote this a while ago, while clearing out the study… while the study is now empty, there is now another room in the house currently stuff full of enough digital artefacts to make a silicone Tutankhamen envious.

  • Burglary – it’s not much fun

    It’s been nearly two weeks and I’m glad things feel like they are starting to get back to normal. Things have been a little nuts since we were burgled. There is more I’ve written, but don’t want to share yet. There are still many things being finalised with insurance companies and a court case pending and I don’t want to adversely impact them in anyway. But what I can tell you is that the last two weeks have been very unpleasant.

  • The end of a PC

    sudo shutdown now

    … and the fan stopped and the blue LEDs faded, little did I know it would be for the last time…

  • Random Thoughts on the First Experience of Silicon Valley

    Driving down the street passing by offices for most of the major players in my industry as just surreal: eBay, Intel, NVidia, BroadCom.. even some new comers, Evernote.

  • Travelling Ergonomics on a Shoe String

    [![A set up for travelling ergonomics](/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/IMAG0144.jpg "A set up for travelling ergonomics")](/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/IMAG0144.jpg)
    A set up for travelling ergonomics

    Ergonomics needn’t be expensive. I’m on an extended trip, where I’ll be travelling out of the office for about 3 weeks. During this time I’ve got a lot of work to do and will be spending a long time working on my laptop in Hotel rooms. I knew this was coming. So I packed a spare full sized keyboard in my check-in luggage - safely trucked between my jeans and t-shirts.

  • Silicon Valley without the Silicon Connection

    It’s ironic really. I’m in what could be considered one of the birth places of the modern Internet and yet I can’t get Internet access. As soon as I stepped off the plane, the data on my phone stopped working and it effectively became a dead weight in my pocket.

  • AppleBumping

    The rules are simple. The stakes high, and the competition tough. Prove your street cred with your friends and family - will your chosen tune out last the dreaded ‘bump’ ?!

  • Has Home Computing Gone Full Circle?

    In the early 1990’s I used to stay up late to code (well attempt to) on my Spectrum +2, which was plugged into the TV.

  • Data as a Service for Social Change

    They say that hindsight is always 20:20. It’s true. I’d been given 5 minutes in front of some of the most influential people and Europe to make my case, and 30 minutes after my nerve wrecking speech, I sat down and thought about everything I couldn’t cram into the 5 minutes I had been given.

  • Twitter Music - No Thanks

    The real beauty of Twitter is the ability to discover cool people, with shared interests and likes. It’s like finding that cool group of people in a crowded party. Meeting someone new and really getting to know an area they are interested in and sharing their passion.

  • One Wedding...

    8 flights, 4 hotel rooms, 4 cities in 2 continents, 2 sets of grand parents, 1 hen do, 2 stag parties and one wedding.

  • 18 Months

    It has been a mad 18 months. Well actually I thought it had been relatively sedate, that was until I checked my phone’s history.

  • Following @documentally 's example with beggars, but with a different outcome

    Just before Christmas I listened to a fantastic post from @documentally about his trip to Sweeden, where upon a cold winters night he did a good deed for a local beggar and was rewarded with gratitude. I tried the same tonight on a cold trip home in London but was met with a remarkably different response.

  • Passing on "The Toy" - The Story of Doggie and Me

    “So what happened to Doggie?” - it was one of Mum’s first questions during our phone call. I had been recalling how my one year old son had just managed to walk across our bed and pull down all of the cuddly toys myself and my wife keep on our headboard. Doggie had been sitting on the headboard when he was attacked.

  • Mince Pie-Tastic

    After tasting the shop bought versions I decided that I could do better and I would like to share with tou my results.

  • An Amazing An Post Experience

    I’ve got my son, Ben in my arms while in trying and failing to run a bath for him. Ben has other ideas and he’s trying to break into my aftershave bottle. The door bell rings and brings someone unexpected, who through a random act of kindness will help us have a good Christmas.

  • Mr Kipling v Aldi's Best

    [![P282](http://getfile8.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/JoienwhhHapuryEodgeiBoJAAfmaqpDveHmjGsHcsgrkghzstJkbymjDAHiB/p282.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile2.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/JoienwhhHapuryEodgeiBoJAAfmaqpDveHmjGsHcsgrkghzstJkbymjDAHiB/p282.jpg.scaled1000.jpg) [![P281](http://getfile4.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/EsucprktjBumbFGhfuJefIAhHFplIJuesAyekxJqJovJBaIhCGGqHFGrmAmb/p281.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile5.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/EsucprktjBumbFGhfuJefIAhHFplIJuesAyekxJqJovJBaIhCGGqHFGrmAmb/p281.jpg.scaled1000.jpg) [![P280](http://getfile2.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/EGhbkmdAnutBbiFJuGhaflflcDsbfBznGtfzgiHbExpgawmzumriibnrupBB/p280.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile7.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/EGhbkmdAnutBbiFJuGhaflflcDsbfBznGtfzgiHbExpgawmzumriibnrupBB/p280.jpg.scaled1000.jpg)

    So tonight I got the chance to try some mince pies from Aldi. They had some exceedingly stiff competition from Mr Kipling.

  • Mince Pie Month Begins

    ![P265](http://getfile2.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/eDlylIelyfclEfIdgwqeaFBcIlgugGelfCJdzejwvaswdhlaqjfbImnsfdfm/p265.jpg.scaled750.jpg) ![P264](http://getfile9.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/yofyruFhcoalIhvctGihAgwnGbeGIChDjGcGsahojColppvvuzJfGBkcIAFG/p264.jpg.scaled750.jpg)

    I love mince pies. So much so that I limit myself to only eating them in December. Today is December 1st so it was with great excitement that I broke my mince pie fast and opened a packed of Mr Kipling’s best and was instantly disappointed.

  • An expert explains how to put off DIY

    I found this on BBC and had to share:

  • The new Olympic Sport RugbyBall: created @mcwoods @emmawoods @macdermott

    It all started during the Basketball final during London 2012. Now @emmawoods is pretty good at basketball, she even got the the trails to play for the Ireland under 19 team, and it runs in her family, an elder sister of hers played for Ireland’s full team, and even got to scholarship to the USA based on her fantastic basketball ability. I on the other hand played Rugby at school, and not brilliantly. I did once or twice try my hand at basketball….

  • There may be trouble ahead


    It’s such a lovely afternoon; the birds are singing the sun is shining and a cool breeze is wafting over me. What a really lovely day.

  • Nordic Pop and Dental Pain from the Irish Sea

    Suddenly it went quiet… I tried to sleep, but memories of dental pain ran through my mind and I tried my best to loose myself in the in the slowly rocking blanket of calmness I’d found on the ferry, but it didn’t work… that is when I discovered some new music.

  • Can I have sardines with that? Recycling Rewiring and Dublin Airport

    I’m all for efficiency and reuse and recycling, but seriously some of this is just plain daft, the rewiring of the gates at Dublin Airport and the dodgy looking stuff here in the hotel in Madrid are nuts.

  • Back in a very warm Madrid

    ![P178](http://getfile2.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/FbebuGGDFqkaqyGqxhgFsmdwAuDgvyvpntHwhsmhfaHuIovhinaEywnhwpwl/p178.jpg.scaled750.jpg) ![P177](http://getfile2.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/mIDxcmpexciwBpEcpwtwEzrclBmjraJmmhxylldGGBEJymwjqjcuriCAxwsw/p177.jpg.scaled750.jpg) ![P180](http://getfile3.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/nDtktCeatjlwmIEHECFvjAysDenpAnprbAIHqppjngoGvuooHkcmxsClBysr/p180.jpg.scaled750.jpg)

    I’m back in a very warm Madrid…

  • 'Feel This' Barcelona #mwc

    [![P35](http://getfile7.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/mbpJCclzndgjbrfvabGsdreDifGEjeCFsnbxcpevodBemccJkGtGsorlewGk/p35.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile4.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/mbpJCclzndgjbrfvabGsdreDifGEjeCFsnbxcpevodBemccJkGtGsorlewGk/p35.jpg.scaled1000.jpg) [![P37](http://getfile8.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/zwqGvnfDyncAgyHxDfbBBEIDkiHblAGcEJxxuBbpuxyjDlzwAFlFokqzCfxu/p37.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile0.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/zwqGvnfDyncAgyHxDfbBBEIDkiHblAGcEJxxuBbpuxyjDlzwAFlFokqzCfxu/p37.jpg.scaled1000.jpg) [![P33](http://getfile0.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/cthCHgavoxiAvhhubHorpfdEfFcHdgyCzkFGnBFaJEaBlGtCtsCoipzihHnC/p33.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile5.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/cthCHgavoxiAvhhubHorpfdEfFcHdgyCzkFGnBFaJEaBlGtCtsCoipzihHnC/p33.jpg.scaled1000.jpg) [![P36](http://getfile8.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/cgryrBvgzyBzisCBeybazHisiazjsmoIIoysDhfCFmFeiaJzhBdspGzJCCzD/p36.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile2.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/cgryrBvgzyBzisCBeybazHisiazjsmoIIoysDhfCFmFeiaJzhBdspGzJCCzD/p36.jpg.scaled1000.jpg) [![P38](http://getfile1.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/vABywvfqEztimbdiuzGcppIEsHyJhCaJFdjmvmzEtuhscfJdIcBgcusxwxAg/p38.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile8.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/vABywvfqEztimbdiuzGcppIEsHyJhCaJFdjmvmzEtuhscfJdIcBgcusxwxAg/p38.jpg.scaled1000.jpg) [![P32](http://getfile2.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/gCarHkpDhlinfgAuvldwwuwFrzjdliAyeHqrtHApBBErjhmtgjtIyFDeujze/p32.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile3.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/gCarHkpDhlinfgAuvldwwuwFrzjdliAyeHqrtHApBBErjhmtgjtIyFDeujze/p32.jpg.scaled1000.jpg)
    **p40.mov** [Watch on Posterous](http://mcwoods.posterous.com/feel-this-barcelona-mwc)
    **p39.mov** [Watch on Posterous](http://mcwoods.posterous.com/feel-this-barcelona-mwc)

    After the flight from Dublin my dash to the local bathroom in Barcelona resulted in a few chuckles at what I thought was Spanglish. The handle on the inside of the door was adorned with the words ‘feel this’ yes I must admit I did giggle and I even shared an image on twitter. By the end of my two days at Mobile World Congress, ‘feel this’ may have been one of the most poignant messages I took away.

  • Wow my blog is really popular.. with wget :(

    My blog (which I've not updated in a while) was taken off line this morning as I exceeded my transfer limit.
    Wow, I thought - how come? Is it because one of my fantastically well written posts has been picked up?
    Err. Nope. Someone (no idea who) has been Wget-ing my blog. The volume of get's knocked me off line.
    Thanks friend...
  • Free WiFi in Madrid Airport is a pain in the a$$e


    Airport information told me the old available WiFi in Madrid airport was only available as a poor signal from the far end if the terminal. Complete with no seats.

  • In Madrid at last

    [![P104](http://getfile2.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/yroGyfAcbojudFjykdjvEndpFihjtnrfJozarqHfgtpIkrHEamwhfzHevydz/p104.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile2.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/yroGyfAcbojudFjykdjvEndpFihjtnrfJozarqHfgtpIkrHEamwhfzHevydz/p104.jpg.scaled1000.jpg) ![P103](http://getfile9.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/qjJovnsgppcHnzebIgwxBzJhqIplBccGcilspIygayEihFfBdGabfAFwnupI/p103.jpg.scaled750.jpg) ![P105](http://getfile2.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/GvnetdDhAzIiggmhpyhrnaFgHydFkrwcitpnlodqwdDDkGjjzIrlmnBoffzl/p105.jpg.scaled750.jpg)

    Some pretty rough turbulence on the way over - even the pilot seemed surprised by it. But I’ve arrived, bed beckons and the hard work kicks off tomorrow !

  • Old Microsoft Office Logo on London Tube

    ![P84](http://getfile9.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/FhAzbjccmkynjexDqpDzdhCHBpmFnyowpjfllwefnkibchFtBEzCxgiAkycq/p84.jpg.scaled750.jpg) ![P86](http://getfile6.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/rFrshauhsnEhjntakzifpGFnEyDlqEzgqsivcGiHhIwEAFyBJzuAdFJdktmB/p86.jpg.scaled750.jpg)

    I’ve often wondered what came first the old Office Logos or the seat covers on the tube?

  • Shock! Great Leg Room on Flight

    [![P35](http://getfile6.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/EwEyfHeoJnlnntuJvcFtEAnvhguFnAfulDBJaFpagvtkqlyjljHHdDrgzJll/p35.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile1.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/EwEyfHeoJnlnntuJvcFtEAnvhguFnAfulDBJaFpagvtkqlyjljHHdDrgzJll/p35.jpg.scaled1000.jpg) ![P31](http://getfile1.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/bqxuDzhEFftniwhcBIDcBnvCDqBHkychrDbGDElnFGEruzImlzEAHphcfcvy/p31.jpg.scaled750.jpg) ![P32](http://getfile0.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/dwCylsapcwjblaJwvkjiCIBhxquarnoknljIplCECHFACvhybyifFxBCiqfq/p32.jpg.scaled750.jpg) ![P30](http://getfile0.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/oEAraBcpGIjDBclnqcoqJzlHJtcohibykHjcmvwcvHJGuhAJwnuJxHHkCsnd/p30.jpg.scaled750.jpg) ![P34](http://getfile7.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/IHkfiojGllwCElGxtmAmuojjulaswHhgvdtdgiftzbCervvqvcEgkpogAlby/p34.jpg.scaled750.jpg) [![P37](http://getfile8.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/ClhaJswtFkwBCmmrHbgnmvCcCniDralxgmCCunxpHkEAsnpFlsyfqDIpuxbG/p37.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile7.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/ClhaJswtFkwBCmmrHbgnmvCcCniDralxgmCCunxpHkEAsnpFlsyfqDIpuxbG/p37.jpg.scaled1000.jpg)

    Oh man I got lucky. The red eye was … Red … But the leg room was the best I’ve ever had between Dublin and London!

  • The start of a long day: DUB->LHR (meeting) LCY->MAD


    Up for the red eye flight to london a full day of meetings and then flight out to Madrid this evening. I’ve a feeling it’s going to be a long day today.

  • A walk through the grounds Carton House


    I got the chance to take a walk through the grounds at carton house while Emma has her spa treatment. Managed to grab some nice smartphone snaps of sunset - all we need now is a bit of snow and it’ll be very festive !

  • Uncharted 3 & Gears of War 3 - Human Ape or Shooting with Toothpicks

    I’ve recently finished Uncharted 3, man I loved it. I got hooked on the story, the interplay between Drake and Sully was great. I even enjoyed the back story on how the two met and the lightly touched on, but skillfully told love story.

  • Tough Job being a Mini Scientist judge #ireland #schools

    [![P209](http://getfile1.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/cgvkJbekwgoDumArnxelttfvAeqignJepGHytgjpdliyeAmyrgreJhucesDy/p209.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile5.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/cgvkJbekwgoDumArnxelttfvAeqignJepGHytgjpdliyeAmyrgreJhucesDy/p209.jpg.scaled1000.jpg) [![P213](http://getfile0.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/tfnaEigfopkHcqifFdvkHyidkqgGavknfvJkolmgzdanhAucruzozFslegrC/p213.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile1.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/tfnaEigfopkHcqifFdvkHyidkqgGavknfvJkolmgzdanhAucruzozFslegrC/p213.jpg.scaled1000.jpg) [![P214](http://getfile3.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/kjxdtqrjIkalmJkHpBykcjcEyndCAcucrrIcqabEnHdegmmqDgIwEqupHoCo/p214.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile7.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/kjxdtqrjIkalmJkHpBykcjcEyndCAcucrrIcqabEnHdegmmqDgIwEqupHoCo/p214.jpg.scaled1000.jpg)

    Today I got the chance to judge at the Grand Final of Intel’s mini scientist competition. It’s a national competition run by Intel to encourage primary school children to get involved with maths and science. It’s open to schools across the country.

  • Red sky in the morning!

  • Yup I'm in Berlin

    ![P135](http://getfile7.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/tjGflHJFyuowmmIqdFGjjAfHbAGrnalnyvlosIdyieoeEEeClblCaffbaegA/p135.jpg.scaled750.jpg) ![P137](http://getfile8.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/sbafvmxuECvADhGxtamuecstvgFHnohpikJpJheoIzdwkDqdBEyjnyEiBnex/p137.jpg.scaled750.jpg) ![P140](http://getfile1.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/mCDBxgJgfqnDoIFtcEDJyHvwtdCakDlwiafDbrAtGcIHnJtgAjJvAafiCeBi/p140.jpg.scaled750.jpg) ![P143](http://getfile7.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/mIfwnfCzGJgGlniysnqomtusAdusdFvxuvzudJeHxabDxufctljhfrgfxlxn/p143.jpg.scaled750.jpg) [![P145](http://getfile1.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/qlgttgrnaaEkgifpcfoaovdhhExrsJfsrkJGBHyAtJoonGBBbmdwapDAJEJh/p145.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile5.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/qlgttgrnaaEkgifpcfoaovdhhExrsJfsrkJGBHyAtJoonGBBbmdwapDAJEJh/p145.jpg.scaled1000.jpg) ![P146](http://getfile3.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/ybHCoaiDljpzymquFCwEnaHqqwxDnvkzHvznxdEikuseJJogdFwiHtmblhGd/p146.jpg.scaled750.jpg)

    Yes folks I am in Berlin! The beer is good and the shop next to the hotel sells leather err bondage gear - I mean where else could I be? 🙂

  • It's good to check ian

  • I knew it was wet..

    I knew it was wet leaving work last night - I was soaked getting to the car. But it was the drive home which really scared me.

  • This machine is my Monday morning friend

  • Safari room stage 1

    ![P94](http://getfile2.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/FtfiknaucfDzoJoextFAEFGHEmpFrrIJnCbmlCcjevhqCoByHowFAnrxpAfk/p94.jpg.scaled750.jpg) [![P96](http://getfile6.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/IHHnkCsurxrgIllgFtlsskzoucsayFEmGCCsxqlACsrnoIfBxrymIayitzCy/p96.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile4.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/IHHnkCsurxrgIllgFtlsskzoucsayFEmGCCsxqlACsrnoIfBxrymIayitzCy/p96.jpg.scaled1000.jpg)

    Or what happens when you spend too long in an enclosed space with a lot of paint fumes…

  • Friday night with a craft beer ... From diagio?!


    I can report good strong hops, light refreshing and tasty! Big thanks to Stephen Melia for the sample bottle!

  • Frighting ...

  • Fungus growing on food on tesco Ireland store


    Spotted this while shopping in the new tesco store in Balbriggan … Off to pick something else

  • Tasty mince at supervalu ... Bit brown though

  • Did I mention it was Friday

  • A photo of a Wales from the air

  • I am back !


    Quick picture of Dublin T2

  • Need a new bank balance for this one

  • Aerlingus extra Leg Room

    ![P52](http://getfile9.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/CjnmsFqBrlGEIqIrEEiAgorvIkmjkIkxikzrkkpAAonzGCtBmJvqxGgGhdri/p52.jpg.scaled750.jpg) ![P54](http://getfile4.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/GdprDesmykdwjBnyDxpapoCrhspzCuhtbnBvkvCbJqyDbsFBDdCmzqyBebgk/p54.jpg.scaled750.jpg)

    Thank goodness this is only a short flight!
    Just to give you all some perspective, I have short legs (28”) and yet me knees are touching the seat back in front of me. Can this be safe? Let alone healthy on longer flights?

  • Zombie preparation the night before


    I have a prediction. Tomorrow when I wake I’m going to feel like a zombie. So I thought I might as well prepare as best as I can.

  • No midnight snack for you !


    And don’t look at me like that either…

  • Summer BBQ

  • View from the hotel room!

  • I am pretty sure there are some fishes sunbathing at the moment #balbriggan


    Why can’t we have some of that sun? It is supposed to be summer after all….

  • They don't make em like that any more #emcc #studycleanout

  • Heading home from Heathrow

  • Spotted in Howth

  • Out for a walk during lunch hour!

  • Old gaming classics! Check out the high res 3D?

    [![-1147916155](http://getfile2.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/iuxpnproxHqABJpgCvxBmwrtBBGGbfigoiGyrBosrkjgugvkmFmxetowtaiD/-1147916155.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile3.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/iuxpnproxHqABJpgCvxBmwrtBBGGbfigoiGyrBosrkjgugvkmFmxetowtaiD/-1147916155.jpg.scaled1000.jpg) [![-11479161550](http://getfile2.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/tstfzpwmDxHBDxvmpAnlhcBisrmBehgbrHGfklfnoqyvtxuCIFelncJtsskE/-11479161550.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile8.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/tstfzpwmDxHBDxvmpAnlhcBisrmBehgbrHGfklfnoqyvtxuCIFelncJtsskE/-11479161550.jpg.scaled1000.jpg) [![-11479161551](http://getfile1.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/hFyEEBchhvjrwBgJwCzEAbprrBwDCnnyJeiEEAjfyqvjhzilfnmJqrsBCynd/-11479161551.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile2.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/hFyEEBchhvjrwBgJwCzEAbprrBwDCnnyJeiEEAjfyqvjhzilfnmJqrsBCynd/-11479161551.jpg.scaled1000.jpg)

    Zak Mckracken boasting high res 3D. It is amazing what a clear out of the study brings.. everything you’ve forgotten about!….

  • Take that! Le Chuck!


    Helps if I posted the photo!

  • Clearing out the study!

    Ha! One of the best series of games ever! As found in the back of the study. Clearout halted due to game playing need

  • I found this in my back garden this morning


    After 5 years of living with builders rubble in the back garden we decided to do something about it.

  • From wet to dry! Roll on the weekend! Happy Friday


    No this photo was not taken somewhere warm and tropical.

  • The Irish summer has arrived!


    Bad rain on the way home. Glad I am getting picked up from the trainstation.

  • Giraffe Finished


    Ran out of time, but really enjoyed painting it. My first time painting with acrylic paint too! Unfortunately I have set a high bar for the house back home!

  • Wall progress

    ![-2030974591](http://getfile4.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/FbmefFGeCqxnBuarrxFniDxJmkBhwsCgEAdyxryhJjqkbnFEDzgCElyxuafC/-2030974591.jpg.scaled750.jpg) ![-2009733608](http://getfile4.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/kgdBcnIDqhqakthxAryJvxyGIFGtfGzidskhEtAqbxcIlroldceAutxbFcdr/-2009733608.jpg.scaled750.jpg) ![-2006963045](http://getfile4.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/CAgmHrazgoiCzfgiehtEBbsmInxDCkqGjdzHrhjelahqFjspoHDACryDojvA/-2006963045.jpg.scaled750.jpg)

    And followed by a beer…

  • Been commissioned to doodle one of these on my niece's wall


    I sketched the bottom giraffe first and my sister in law asked for something more cartoon, so I did the top one. We asked my niece which one she liked…. The bottom one, except it has to be pink. Awesome.

  • Guess where I am!


    No time for a philly steak it is time to head off for the connecting flight!

  • Leg room in the last row of the bus!


    US Airways changed the plane we were due to fly on. As a result the seat plan changed and the ‘computer’ automatically picked myself and my pregnant wife seats 15 rows apart. This all happened last night and we didn’t have the chance to fix it before arriving at the airport. Bummer.

  • Love is all you need!

    **VIDEO0003.3gp** [Watch on Posterous](http://mcwoods.posterous.com/love-is-all-you-need)
  • Is it time for a beer yet?

  • Checking out the Queen of Tarts, the cake shop...

  • That Irish tradition the Italian chipper

  • You can't beat popping into the national gallery at lunch time to beat the mid week blues!

  • Waiting for Obama...

  • Time for a nice morning walk to work! #Dublin

  • Having fun in IKEA

  • NHK World in Ireland

    [![2033112455](http://getfile6.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/oupanyxiGaEFgwBpEvGuckGveEzuylDoshsDljhtErgnJywDyAiEFHeJylcy/2033112455.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile1.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/oupanyxiGaEFgwBpEvGuckGveEzuylDoshsDljhtErgnJywDyAiEFHeJylcy/2033112455.jpg.scaled1000.jpg) [![2034959497](http://getfile4.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/CGbqmtaBJaCEBlxmjDzgBmgCJBtnkFzcsadsrDHcqkaJcAbqlAIyzjfhnFbJ/2034959497.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile5.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/CGbqmtaBJaCEBlxmjDzgBmgCJBtnkFzcsadsrDHcqkaJcAbqlAIyzjfhnFbJ/2034959497.jpg.scaled1000.jpg)

    Emma and I are baby sitting, kids in bed and we end up watching NHK World, from news to Japanese lessons…

  • The Dublin train station penguin dance

    It is that time in the evening. Time for public transport penguin games.

  • It may be raining... but the bbq is still out

  • It is my night cap... good night all!...

  • M&S #fail melted plastic for dinner. 200c x 20 mins =

    [![1397730007](http://getfile3.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/xbEFihhJHrkJDpyedfgrpshrfGCwdFfcrfxvohuDwuIIvJBIAEAIntvloGea/1397730007.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile6.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/xbEFihhJHrkJDpyedfgrpshrfGCwdFfcrfxvohuDwuIIvJBIAEAIntvloGea/1397730007.jpg.scaled1000.jpg) [![1398653528](http://getfile4.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/lzBxhsbempfnmuIunICjEkmJxiBbdumHHdEIuGJhpbhAasvcgiuACmnmlcJf/1398653528.jpg.scaled750.jpg)](http://getfile8.posterous.com/getfile/files.posterous.com/mcwoods/lzBxhsbempfnmuIunICjEkmJxiBbdumHHdEIuGJhpbhAasvcgiuACmnmlcJf/1398653528.jpg.scaled1000.jpg)
  • The aftermath, today's coffee count++

  • Very Swedish!



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